Explore Tekka, the right way

People Don’t TakeTrips, Trips Take People
About us

Uncover the exciting secrets of this historical place in Singapore

‘Tekka’ - the name itself brings the fondest of memories and it remains popular in many Singapore Indian households to this very day. Tekka.sg is a huge dream in the making for 4 years, to finally bring one of the most vibrant and lively neighbourhoods (we didn’t say, TimeOut said we’re coolest in Singapore and #19 in the WORLD, atop a digital platform, to better serve our growing Indian community. It is a baby step into this ever-evolving modern world, while retaining the true essence of our beloved Tekka by encapsulating the various businesses that have helped to forge this canvas of culture and colour. Become the change you want to see in this world. With love, Tekka Boys and Tekka Girls
Our Speciality ..

What we are all about

Tekka Eats

From hidden restaurants that serve delectable South Indian cuisine on fresh banana leaves, to a steaming cup of masala chai along the bustling Serangoon Road, we have got you (and your growling tummy) covered with this expansive list of eats you can easily discover in Tekka.

Tekka Wears

Last minute shopping for ethnic wear and accessories? We all have been there, haven’t we? The best part is, we know that Tekka is the best place to be, to ensure that you’re fitted up to dress code. Check out the various garment and jewellery businesses right here to make your search much easier.

Tekka Home

Home is where the heart is, and where you put your heart in. Planning for a prayer session, party, auspicious event or even sprucing up your house for Deepavali, Christmas or Raya is no easy feat, but these businesses promise that they can help you manage your household with your vision.

Tekka Life

Some connections don't require a label, it just needs to be found. Haven’t found your favourite beauty parlour or magazine stand? You might want to come inside here.

Visit the Best Places to eat

Finest Food Selection in Little India Singapore

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